CRoCCo Lab


The iCFDdatabase (international CFD database) is a database of Computational Fluid Dynamic cases with contributions from different research groups worldwide, and is open to the whole scientific community (both as users and contributors). The aim of the database is to maximize the scientific outcome of numerical efforts, to provide a "classical" reference data for future studies, to setup a unique, centralized reference resource for researchers interested in fluid dynamics. This multi-terabyte database, hosted at CINECA (Bologna, Italy), includes data from a number of scientific cases. In October 2007, the CRoCCo Lab provided its initial contribution to the iCFDdatabase, "DNS database of shock and turbulent boundary layer interaction on a 24-degree compression ramp at Mach 2.9 and Re 2300 (260Gbyte)," with others to be added in the future.

October 1, 2007

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